So, I've recently been given a kick in the rear to get this room looking better. I need it furniture, new organization, and maybe even a chance to see the floor again! (yikes!)
So, I need ideas. I think I want an island for the middle of the room. I'd love to keep my drawers....
It's my *favorite* piece of's about 5 feet tall and four feet wide. I'll also keep my cardstock files...

This is in 1/2 the closet and is about six and a half feet tall. Love it! So, other than that, I want to gut the room. Ha! Help! ;)
This room is a distaster...I think I just have too much stuff! A computer, fax machine, FOUR printers, two scanners, a tv, three die cut machines, I can't tell you how many dies, Help! I'm buried!
So, if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! I'd love some phone numbers of some quality custom cabinet builders in So. CA. (I can't use the guy that did our kitchen four years ago...he fell asleep in my house! SCARY!)
Big hugs!