Random Thought #1

We really did have a good time. Although, Kirstin offered to pay me not to make her go next year. {grin!} You know teenagers and their need to sleep in! ;)
Random Thought #2
My baby is turning 10 this week. I can't believe ten years ago she was born! Wow, time flies. She found out one of her friends couldn't make it to her party this Saturday due to some relatives coming into town. Her response? (To the child's mother!).... "Dump the relatives!" Ahhh, Katie. :) You are always good for a laugh.
Random Thought #3
I was at UCLA this morning. Had to leave the house at 5:30 am. Kirstin had an appointment at the UCLA Pediatric Pain Clinic. Her headache is still here...more than 90 days after it started. Not one day has gone by without pain. We are now trying a new medication combo. Poor kid. They have referred us to three more specialists. So far, we have seen ELEVEN doctors/specialists. We have an appointment with another one on Monday. Life isn't what it was around here. I hate to complain....so many people are going through so much more, but it's still rough. {Prayers are always welcome....}
Random Thought #4
I can't end today's post with a downer. It's just not my style. So, here are five things I am thankful for:
1. Kirstin made the JV Cheer team (despite the headache!) at her future high school (that has 3,000 students!)
2. This month, I'll celebrate my 17th wedding anniversary. I'm so blessed to say I married my best friend.
3. We recently had professional photos taken of our family. I can't wait to see the proofs! We haven't done photos as a family in so long!
4. I just went in to kiss my fourteen year old...and we giggled together. We started tickling each other and we laughed and teased each other. I'm thankful for the bright moments, when for a few seconds, she forgets the pain and is able to smile.
5. My Dad went with us to UCLA today. What a blessing he is. He drops everything to help us in any way he can. He is such a trooper! I can call him and say I need to go to Utah, can you watch the girls? And he immediately clears his schedule. Dad....thanks.