It's so hard to get ready for Trick or Treaters when it's 85 degrees outside! I think fall weather decided to leave us alone in Southern Ca!
Here's a great slideshow of our Design Team Gallery Projects for the Oct. 09 set.
View the amazing projects created by The {Stamps} of Life Design Team set to music in this video. We are sure that you will enjoy their great ideas and you'll want to get to work on your own projects. For all of the latest from Stephanie Barnard visit
On a personal note, my daughter's Homecoming Dance was a success! I was the photographer for about 30 kids at a private party {ON the BEACH!} Fun! One of my daughter's friends was kind enough to take our picture....{I wish I could share with you WHO took the picture, but I have to sleep in the same house as my teenager and I'd fear for my life if I told you!} {grin} ha ha...{BIG grin}...

Did you see the Sneak Peek on Facebook?!? I can't wait to share the whole set with you! The set name is.... Joy2Christmas :) If you want to become a fan on Facebook Click Here!