It's time to announce our Thanks2Fall Gallery Contest Winners!!! Our clear stamp winner is a beautiful card by Michelle D.

Michelle, you win a FREE clear stamp set in December!!! Merry Christmas to YOU! :)
We only had one digi entry to our gallery last month. (boo hoo! C'mon digi stampers, upload your projects!!!) And, since the card entered already won our Color Challenge Contest, I decided to choose another winner from our Clear Stamp Gallery. This winner will win a digi set of her choice. :)
The winner is Jen W. :)

Now it's YOUR turn! Once you receive your Joy2Christmas Stamps, upload your projects to our gallery for a chance to win! Winners are chosen randomly, so the more you enter, the better your chances! You can still upload to our other galleries as well, to show off your work. (However, to be eligible for the monthly contest, your project needs to use the current set.)
Big hugs!!
The {Stamps} of Life