First, we will be sending out our bi-monthly newsletter on Tuesday {Watch for it!} In it, you'll get a link to see the October Video of the 30 Second Card. ;)
Later in the week, we will be releasing the absolute FUNNIEST, {Life} with Stephanie video! In it, you'll get to finally meet my husband! It's so funny, that I cry because I'm laughing so much! Stay Tuned!!!
Also, this week we will be traveling to the Scrapbook Expo in Ontario, California! I can't wait to meet some of our current Club Members and sign up some new Club Members! Woo Hoo!
And then, in between the busy days at the expo, we are rushing home to take part in our oldest daughter's Senior Ceremony on the football field right before the Varsity Football game. As a Varsity Cheerleader, she will be one of the seniors recognized! :)
So busy, yet so happy!
A quick thank you to our Club Members. You've been a part of this journey we are on and it is because of YOU that I'm living my dream of owning a stamping company. Hugs to you all!
Speaking of stamping...I can't wait to share what I found in the Gallery tonight!

Denise uploaded this awesome card! Aren't the Candy Corn Critters adorable?!?
Denise, Thanks so much for sharing your card with us! If you have a blog, contact me for a special banner!
Happy Stamping!
The Stamps of Life