Hello Friends!
I wish I could report I've been on vacation in a far away land; however, I would only be kidding if I said that! Instead, I've been B-U-S-Y! The good kind of busy. Work is really heating up...we are almost ready! July is the month. I'm so excited to share everything we have been up to. ;)
Meanwhile, here's some things I can share......

My Katie turned 10. Wow. It should be against the law for kids to grow up! Here's a recent photo...this is what happens when you give Katie her own cake....
She begged me to let her put her face in the cake. I mean begged! It was like she was just itching to do it! This kid! :)
Then, my third baby (ok, my best friends little one that is really my Goddaughter) turned five. Yikes. Stop growing up! {stamp foot!} :)
I can't believe how time flies. Isn't she adorable? Happy Birthday Daely Bear!
Daely is so cute. Whenever I get her picture published (or when it was on QVC) she tells everyone how famous she is. :) {Mommy, I'm famous 'cause I'm on tv!}
Last Saturday I was at CKU in Anaheim (nice and close to home!) Epson needed a few extra hands so I was eager to jump in and help. I haven't been to a CKU in so long, it felt so wonderful to be among so much creativity! We helped Jessica Sprague with her classes...what a sweetie she is ! Here's a photo of Me, Jessica and Katye. It's funny, I don't think of myself as a Digital Scrapbooker, but I'm finding I do more and more on the 'puter. I guess I'm officially a hybrid scrapper. ;)
So, that's what I've been up to...next week I'm off to Utah for a secret mission. Don't worry, soon all the secrets can be told!
Big hugs!