I thought I'd share this video with you today. It's a {Quick Tips} project video for a great gift idea. :)
{If you are receiving this as an email update, click here to see the video!}
More puppy news....we've finally come up with a name. Well, actually, I have. The girls don't agree with it, but Puppy has been in our home TWO WEEKS without a name and this is insane! ;) I'll be taping a video today and playing it sometime next week to announce the name and the winner from the "Naming Contest". :)
Just for fun, here's a picture of her in her new bed....

Yes, she was asleep! :)
Important....Time is running out to qualify for the FREE Limited Edition Stamp!
To qualify, sign up to be a Club Member this month! {If you sign up in April, you'll be too late!}
Current Club Members...you will AUTOMATICALLY get the StampS.....Whoops! Did I say 'StampS'? Yes, I did!!! :)
FREE LIMITED EDITION CLUB EXCLUSIVE Stamps are just one way of letting my Club Members know how much I {LOVE} and appreciate them! :)
Happy Weekend!