And now, for an update....
I've been doing so much better. I just read over that last post and I could feel the pain I had when I wrote it. I'm in a wonderful place in my life right now. I am stress free. I've been amazed at how once the shock and pain wore off, how the stress literally left my body. That's a good thing.
So, what's been keeping me busy? (Besides life of kids/family/hubby?)
The thing I've had to keep me busy is my photography. I'm sure many of you don't know this, but before I started inque boutique, I was "thisclose" to making my photography business official. I had a portfolio ready and even a few clients that wanted sessions. I even had Simple Scrapbooks request two of my photos for photography was the direction I was going in before IB/Sugarloaf......but when someone offers to pay you to design stamps and offers you a dream job meeting all your jump. :) It was the right choice at the time, and I stand by that decision. But now, it's photography's turn.
I'm updating my portfolio, (doesn't seem right to use photos I took two years ago....), I purchased a website (it's not up yet....), and I even updated my camera with some of my severance pay.....Ahhh....don't you just love getting a new camera?!?
I'll start posting portfolio photos soon. In the meantime, here's a favorite I took last month at the beach of my oldest daughter and her best friend.....

Here's a more 'traditional' photo, of Katie.....

I'll be at CHA demonstrating and walking the show. (More info later....).
Again, thank you so much for your kind thoughts, well wishes and prayers. I always put my trust in God and I know HE knows what's best for me. ;)
Big hugs!