We are busy getting ready for lots of things! Our first expo is coming up really quickly! You should see us trying to practice setting up the booth. Haha. It will be very interesting!
We are also packing up the Club shipments for August. Don't forget, Club Members will receive a {FREE} Mini Stamp set with this shipment! Sign up NOW to qualify. {If you sign up after July 31st, you do NOT qualify for the free mini set. You MUST be a member BEFORE August 1st to qualify!}
Here's a {Quick} Tip video I have to share....
{If you can't see the video above, click here to see it!}
I wanted to share this adorable card by Guest Design Team Member, Emily. I LOVE how she used the robots2build set to create the flowers, the chick's arms from the eggs4Easter set for the leaves and the grass from the eggs4Easter set!!!!

On a personal note, we are celebrating at our house! It was just announced that my oldest daughter was named the Varsity Cheer Captain! ;) Ahhh....the 10 years of cheer payments really paid off! ;)
Happy Stamping!
The {Stamps} of Life