For the last FOUR YEARS, I've begged for a puppy. I mean, I've pulled all the stops trying to get hubby to let me get a puppy. I've promised anything, tried everything and cried lots of tears....and for four years, hubby has said no way. {In his defense, he takes care of so much around here, he just didn't want another thing to take care of!}
I just got my puppy! WooHoo! I'm SO excited! We ALL love her SO much!
She is a Maltese and weighs only 2.5 pounds at 14 weeks old. She should be full grown at around 5 pounds. :)
Now, this is where YOU come in. Originally, her name was going to be Sugar Cookie. But, I've since given that name to my best friend for her to name her new puppy. {It's a long story, but I am giving her the name for a good reason}
So, then we thought we would name her....Juicy Lucy. :)
Why Juicy Lucy?!? Well, if you've watched a few of my videos, you KNOW I like to get my stamps nice and Juicy Lucy! {hahaha!} But, the name just doesn't fit. :(
We need something GIRLIE. Not Buddy, Not Spike.
So, PLEASE Help us! Please post a comment on this blog {and on the Facebook
Fan page if you can} a name you think we would like.
If we choose your name, you will win THREE stamp sets of your choice! :)
{Please note what others have suggested so you don't repeat. Also, if for some reason we don't chose a name from the list, we will still chose our favorite name to win three sets!}
We need a name ASAP, so enter quick!
Here are some pics {taken from my camera phone, so don't mind the quality!}

Thanks for your help!
The {Stamps} of Life